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Monitoring of water in the natural environment

LNS update V2.18.19 of September 08, 2023

LNS Update

Fire monitoring

SDIS 72: Implementation of the ADELIE system

Implementation of the ADELIE system for detecting forest and natural area fires for the SDIS72

Fire observation and detection tower equipped with surveillance cameras and AI in the LandesLieutenant sapeur-pompier.
Fire monitoring

SDIS40's ADELIE system in the press

SDIS40's ADELIE system: testimony from a professional firefighter.

Artificial intelligence: it can save the forest
Fire monitoring

Report from Landes on the use of the ADELIE system

Artificial intelligence: it can save the forest. Report on 20H on @TF1INFO on July 29, 2023 in SDIS40.

Fire monitoring

ADELIE in the press

ADELIE system implemented at the SDIS72: all the details in the special issue n°27 of Soldats du Feu magazine.

Monitoring of water in the natural environment

Territorial engineering: PARATRONIC solutions

The Magazine de l'Ingénierie Territoriale, published by the Association des Ingénieurs Territoriaux de France (AITF) has devoted one of its dossiers to flood prevention and the preservation of water resources....


French Water Tour Ivory Coast

PARATRONIC will participate at the end of March to the French Water Tour in Ivory Coast organized by :

 the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, Agence Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises and Business France. 

This trip will mark the official launch of the project to deploy a pilot telemetry system for better monitoring of water levels, in conjunction with the regional and national authorities of Côte d'Ivoire.

Monitoring of water in the natural environment

New Hire!

The PARATRONIC family is growing.
After having spent 6 years within a research department specialized in sanitation and drinking water, Bastien CLOUET joins the team of sales engineers covering the activity of hydrology at PARATRONIC.


Covid-19 measurements

Following the new government announcements, our teams remain mobilized to accompany you during this period and take the necessary measures to preserve everyone's safety.
However, to mitigate this situation, PARATRONIC put an operational protocol in order to be able to ensure the deliveries of the various orders received during this period of crisis.

Monitoring of water in the natural environment

News LNS Dreal Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Hello, Drealians,

My real name is LNS, followed by 4 numbers that I won't tell you, that's my secret. I'm a little black and white box that stores data, and I live on the edge of the Vallière in Lons.