> Achievements > A hydro station in Sainte-Sévère for SABI36

Monitoring of water in the natural environment


Flood prevention in Sainte-Sévère-sur-Indre

The commune of La Châtre (36400) is located in the department of Indre, in the Centre-Val-de-Loire region.

It is crossed by the river Indre, which tends to flow out of its bed during heavy rainfall, causing flooding.


"The river Indre is subject to frequent flooding which, every year, floods a large part of the major bed. [...]

Major floods of the order of a hundred-year frequency, for example the flood of 20 December 1982, have a significant impact on the flooded town and village centres.

Plan de Prévention des Risques d'Inondation du Val de l'Indre, 2005.

In order to prevent damage from these floods, SABI 36 (Syndicat d'Aménagement du Bassin de l'Indre ) has installed a hydrological station in Sainte-Sévère-sur-Indre to monitor the water level at the intersection of several tributaries of the Indre.


François DAUGERON, Mayor of Sainte-Sévère-sur-Indre :

"We had a system [...] which had become obsolete, and thanks to SABI and the will of the elected representatives, we have set up a new system which allows us to have the level of the Indre.

This also allows us to anticipate a possible flood, particularly in La Châtre.

Inauguration of the Sainte-Sévère station

Hydrological station SABI36

SABI 36 turned to PARATRONIC for this new station. The installed device includes a radar sensor, a camera for the removal of doubt, all connected to an acquisition station connected to our web supervisor.

It receives data from the station via the 4G network and sends alerts to elected officials if the programmed thresholds are exceeded.

Christophe VANDAELE, President of SABI36 about the Sainte-Sévère station:

"This system is connected: we have a radar that will measure the height of the water, and therefore the speed at which it rises, and according to the levels and alert thresholds that we have set in the electronic system, it will warn the smartphones of the elected representatives who are connected, or even of anyone who can connect to the website to get the measurements.

All these data will be transmitted as needed, more and more rapidly, with a time span that will become shorter. In the normal case, we have data every few hours.

However, when we are on heightened alert, it's every few minutes.

Hydro station

Thank you to SABI 36 and to the local elected representatives for their trust. Thanks also to Damien BUGEJA from BipTV for the video report.


Congratulations to Bastien CLOUET for his first TV appearance.

The product used


LNS 1 acquisition station


LNS Station


LNS acquisition stations have been specially developed to meet this type of problem: monitoring of sensitive natural environments by sensors, data banking and transmission, triggering of alerts, etc.


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